Welcome to International Social Service (ISS) Australia. ISS Australia is a charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

Our social workers provide holistic practical and emotional support to clients, with empathy and understanding.

Our lawyers offer high quality legal advice and casework, using a compassionate approach to client service.

Our mediators provide a safe and specialised mediation service and focus on the needs of children and reducing family conflict.
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What people say about us
"I would really like to thank the Mediation and Social Work team at ISS Australia for being my guiding light at what was an incredibly dark and difficult time."
"I found my social worker to be professional, supportive, caring prompt and extremely compassionate, informative and helpful. I am beyond happy with the way that (my ISS Australia social worker) handled my case."
"Hello… I am writing to thank your organization and especially [my lawyer] for helping me get my daughter back…thank you for working tirelessly for weeks on end to make sure all my documents, affidavits were correct and on point."
"This has been a very traumatic couple of years for me and I am grateful that you have been there to offer assistance and a listening ear when needed."
"Attempting to trace my biological parents was always going to be a sensitive and challenging journey, (my ISS Australia social worker) was compassionate and deeply understanding with helpful and insightful advice."
"All members of staff I have been dealing with at ISS Australia have always been very helpful, supportive, diligent and provided an excellent service."
ISS Australia gratefully acknowledges funding from the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department for Australia-wide legal and social work services on international parental child abduction.
We gratefully acknowledge funding from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice for the provision of intercountry child welfare casework services, International Post Adoption Tracing Services and Special Search Services in NSW.

We also acknowledge the generous support of Rafton Family Lawyers our major corporate partner.

ISS Australia also acknowledge the generous support of Nicholes Family Lawyers as a corporate partner.