
A research report prepared by Sophie Fisher on behalf of ISS Australia in 2012.This report analyses the support for, and barriers to, strengthening the child protection system in the Solomon Islands. This paper articulates the urgent social need that is present in Solomon Islands.

A report by ISS International Reference Centre. This report examines intercountry adoption practices in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti.

This research report, prepared in 2007, reviews available material on the links between domestic violence and international parental child abduction and reports findings from interviews undertaken with a small sample of affected parents and domestic violence services that have worked with these parents.

A research report prepared for ISS Australia by Siobhan Kavanagh in 2011, focusing on the obstacles to international kinship care and suggested models of best practice in resolving some of these issues. The report was developed as part of an ISS Australia project entitled Kinship Care Across Borders, generously funded by the R.E. Ross Trust.

ISS Australia undertook research into the 1996 Hague Convention, in particular its potential application to ISS Australia’s inter-country casework involving children. The report, produced in 2008, formed part of a project generously funded by the Ian Potter Foundation, “Boosting Outcomes for Australian Children Using International Laws.”

Prepared by researcher Siobhan Kavanagh, the Home Safe Home report presents the findings of a key research project funded by the Barr Family Foundation as part of ISS Australia’s “Support Me, Support My New Home” project (see project page here).
The research sought to develop a greater understanding of the issues experienced by children, young people and carers in international kinship care arrangements, with a particular focus on those arrangements that do not involve assessments of carer suitability or post placement support. The report makes five recommendations, including a call for changes to the Orphan Relative visa application process which would make assessment of any potential carer’s suitability mandatory. The report was officially launched on 29 May 2013 at the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare.

A research report prepared by Daniel Pejic forISS Australia in 2012. The report examines international student administration in Australia, with a particular focus on ensuring student welfare. It recommends strategies to enhance security and protect the rights of international students studying in Australia.

From 18 to 21 June 2024, the HCCH held a Forum on domestic violence and the related operation of Article 13(1)(b) of the 1980 Child Abduction Convention in Sandton, South Africa, co-hosted with the Government of South Africa and the University of Pretoria’s Centre for Child Law.
The Forum brought together relevant parties with expertise and/or experience in return proceedings where domestic violence is raised as a defence to return under Article 13(1)(b), including advocates for victims of domestic violence and left-behind parents, judges, Central Authorities, legal practitioners, psychological experts, academic researchers and non-governmental organisations.
Jessica Raffal, Managing Lawyer of ISS Australia’s legal service, and Eleni Bailey, ISS Australia’s International Family Mediation Coordinator and Senior Social Worker, both presented at the Forum. The HCCH prepared the following report which summarised the Forum.

ISS Australia, in March 2020, submitted a response to the Discussion Paper on the Intercountry Adoption Family Support Service to the Commonwealth Department of Social Services.

ISS Australia, in July 2011, made a submission to the AustralianSenate’s Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee inquiry into international child abduction to and from Australia.

ISS Australia, in March 2011, made a submission to an inquiry by the Australian Senate’s Standing Committees on Community Affairs into the Commonwealth’s contribution to former forced adoption policies and practices.

This Position Statement details ISS Australia's preferred policies with regards to intercountry adoption.

This paper sets out ISS Australia's policy position on International Surrogacy.

This position statement details ISS Australia's policy position on International Parental Child Abduction.

This paper sets out ISS Australia's policy position on Donor Conception.

This position statement details ISS Australia's position on international kinship care.

This paper prepared in 2009 by Ms Helen Freris, Manager Social Work Services, addresses social work practice in the context of two international Hague Conventions concerning children. Based on a research report prepared by ISS Australia, the paper proposes arguments for the viability of social work practice in the context of the 1996 Convention on Parental Responsibility and Child Protection, and highlights the benefits of casework practice and mediation-based services for families which can be offered by social work.

A background paper prepared in 2009 by Mr Damon Martin, Deputy CEO, on intercountry adoption in Australia.

This paper, prepared in 2012 by Damon Martin Deputy CEO, outlines the effects of Australia’s past adoption practice. It examines the many similarities and differences between donor conceived people and adoptees, in order to argue that the practice of donor conception should rightly be compared to, and learn from, adoption practice.

An ISS General Secretariat handbook providing comprehensive information on the complex and painful phenomenon of intercountry adoption breakdowns. With chapters from adoption professionals throughout the world, including two from ISS Australia staff Lizzie Gray and Sandi Petersen.

ISS Australia and the ISS network’s Geneva-based IRC (International Reference Centre for the rights of children deprived of their family) have jointly produced a guide for intercountry adoptees seeking to search for their origins.
This informative and easy to read guide was produced in 2018 and provides adoptees with an overview of a search for origins process as well as the practical implications. It offers intercountry adoptees concrete information on each and every stage of a search for origins process, as well as on the danger signals an adoptee may encounter on their way.
ISS Australia believes it is a must-read for Australian intercountry adoptees when they request access to their adoption records with plans to embark on their search for origins.

This user friendly Search Guide for Care Leavers outlines ISS Australia’s NSW Special Search Service search and reunion process, as well as information about DNA testing.

This user friendly Search Guide for People Separated by Adoption outlines ISS Australia’s NSW Special Search Service search and reunion process, as well as information about DNA testing.

This guide aims to provide ideas and tools to protect you as well as your child.

Produced by the International Social Service General Secretariat, this is a Guide for prospective adoptive parents, adoptive families and older adoptees on avoiding unintended risks associated with well-intentioned acts.

ISS Australia's International Parental Child Abduction(IPCA) social work and legal services have created new resources for fathers who are separated from their children across international borders. These resources are based on many years of supporting parents impacted by international parental child abduction. The connect resource includes legal and social work information, tips and strategies for coping during this difficult time.

ISS Australia's International Parental Child Abduction (IPCA) social work and legal services have created new resources for mothers who are separated from their children across international borders. These resources are based on many years of supporting parents impacted by international parental child abduction. The connect resource includes legal and social work information, tips and strategies for coping during this difficult time.

This factsheet provides information about the loss and grief that parents experience when their children have been abducted internationally.

This ISS Australia fact sheet provides people with tools and tips for finding long-lost relatives.

Separately, Australia has Bilateral Agreements with Lebanon and Egypt.

This factsheet provides information about Section 60I certificates.

Information for professionals about the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction ("the Convention")

Information for parents about the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction ("the Convention").

A factsheet about responding to international parental child abduction to a non-Hague Convention country.

A factsheet about preventing your children from being removed from Australia without your permission.

This factsheet contains advice for parents who wish to allow their children to go on an overseas holiday but are concerned about whether the other parent will return them.

A factsheet about access applications under the 1980 Hague Convention.

This factsheet contains tips for maintaining a relationship with your children overseas using video contact.

This factsheet provides information on what to expect and how to support the family.

Factsheet containing esources for those adopted from South Korea and their families.

Information guide for adoptive and prospective adoptive parents

A factsheet on lifestory work for children who have been adopted.

This factsheet provides information on the recent NSW legislative amendment that introduced a new Integrated Birth Certificate (IBC) for people adopted in NSW.
Service Brochures

Details services offered by ISS Australia international parental child abduction teams.

Details services offered by ISS Australia's international parental child abduction teams.

Details of ISS Australia's international parental child abduction Legal Service.

Details services offered by ISS Australia international parental child abduction social work team.

Details ISS Australia's International Family and Post Adoption Tracing and Reunification Services.

Details ISS Australia's Special Search Service.

Details ISS Australia's International Child Welfare and Kinship Care service.

Details services offered by ISS Australia's International Family Mediation Service.

Details services offered by ISS Australia's International Family Mediation Service.

Describes ISS Australia's international parental child abduction services.

Details of ISS Australia's international parental child abduction Legal Service.

Details services offered by ISS Australia international parental child abduction social work team.

Describes ISS Australia's international parental child abduction services.

Details ISS Australia's international parental child abduction Legal Service.

Describes ISS Australia's international parental child abduction Social Work Service.

Describes ISS Australia's international parental child abduction services.

Details ISS Australia's international parental child abduction Legal Service.

Describes ISS Australia's international parental child abduction Social Work Service.

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